Our Audio
Podcast Ministry
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February 2025
We Need God’s Grace to be a True Disciple
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at the Island Nursing and Rehab’ Center, Holtsville, NY on 2/9/25. It is based on Deuteronomy 6: 4-6 and Romans 8: 1-2. God’s grace enables us to experience victory as we diligently seek to serve Christ as Lord. You cannot live a Christian life successfully on your own merits; Christ is the only one able to make that happen through the mind of His Spirit.
January 2025
Let God Create and Renew
Pastor Jackson shared this message live at Agape Chapel (Medford, NY Headquarters of RACC) on 1/19/25. It is based mainly on 2 Corinthians 1:21-22; and Psalm 51:10-12, 16-17. When the Holy Spirit is allowed to reveal Himself beyond our subcultural revelations, we can then realize that He is more than just a tongue and a dance. He wants an ongoing communion with us, where He is allowed to create within us a clean heart and a right spirit.
Keep Your Lamp Trimmed and Burning
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC on 1/5/25. It is based mainly on Matthew 25:1-13. The Anointing – the Holy Spirit, who Christ gives as a gift to His true disciples, can and will work on your behalf to free you of all darkness in your life.
December 2024
Quench Not the Spirit
This message was shared virtually by Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson via Zoom Meeting on 12/22/24. It is based on 1 Thessalonians 5:19; Matthew 25:7; and Galatians 5:16. When we walk in agreement with our flesh, we will quench the Spirit. Then, we will not keep your lamps (lives) trimmed and burning. We cannot walk in the Spirit if He is not honored, loved, and obeyed. He won’t let us fail, because there is no failure in Him. We must trust Him!
Is It Scriptural to Tarry for the Holy Ghost? Part 3 of 3
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC on 12/15/24. It is based on chapter 6 of K. E. Hagin’s book, The Spirit and His Gifts; and these main scriptures – Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:4, 5,8.
Did You Open and Use Your Gifts Yet? A Christmas Nursing Home Ministry Message
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at the Island Nursing and Rehab’ Center on 12/8/24. It is based mainly on Psalm 63:1-8. Wise men still seek God today. The Holy Spirit gifts faithful followers of Jesus with diligence to seek after GOD. If you diligently seek Him, He will reward you by leading you to the place where you can receive HIS gracious gifts, but you must accept and use them.
Is It Scriptural to Tarry for the Holy Ghost? Part 2 of 3
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC on 12/1/24. It is based on chapter 6 of K. E. Hagin’s book, The Spirit and His Gifts; and these main scriptures – Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:4, 5. The Word gives us other accounts of people getting saved and filled with the Holy Spirit without tarrying or waiting. In John chapter 7, Jesus talks about receiving the Holy Ghost. We make a mistake a lot of times by not t…
November 2024
Is it Scriptural to Tarry for the Holy Ghost? Part 1 of 3
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC on 11/17/24. It is based on chapter 6 of K. E. Hagin’s book, The Spirit and His Gifts; and these main scriptures – Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:4, 5. When it comes to tarrying for the Holy Ghost, we need to realize that in all eternal actuality, the Holy Spirit is tarrying for us. He is waiting for us to answer His holy calling. He did not establish a mandated ordinance formulated for us to follow according to the wind and whims of our flesh or ecclesiastical denomination.
Are You a Holy Spirit Empowered Pilgrim?
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at the Island Nursing Home on 11/10/24. It is based on Luke 4:14. When Jesus traveled about as this scripture reveals, He was about His Father’s business. As modern day disciples, or followers of Jesus, we must also be about the business of the Heavenly Father, making the Jesus-journey our purpose for living, as we thrive in His holy will.
October 2024
Get Back on the Rock
Assistant Pastor Lisa L. Norris Jackson shared this message live at Greater Mount Calvary, COGIC, St. Albans, Queens on 10/20/24. It is based mainly on Matthew 7:24-27 and 1 Corinthians 3:10b-15. We must examine ourselves. Are we building on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ, and then building furthermore with materials that meet God’s approval? We need God’s blueprint and we need to allow Him to direct the process of completing our spiritual development.