August 2023
Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message during a virtual morning worship (Zoom Meeting) on 8/6/23. It is based mainly on Matthew 25:1-13. We must heed this word of encouragement and warning as it serves to emphasize the spiritual discipline of a submitted prayerful life lived by souls who have decided to actively procure […]
July 2023
Why We Should Not Use Prayer as a Last Resort
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live during a home visiting ministry appointment based on John 15:4, 5 and 1 Thessalonians 5:17-24. For God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, we must come to terms with the fact that a biblically approved daily life of prayer must be experienced […]
Sing a Compelling Praise that Glorifies the Lord
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC on 7/2/23 based on Psalm 92. Even though the secular humanistic cultures of this world live to exclude the Creator from His universe, His creation yet sings the harmonies of heaven, validating His authenticity everyday. If you have chosen to answer God’s call, to […]
June 2023
What are the Blessings of Holy Submission?
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC on 6/25/23 based on Philippians 2:3. The only way our hearts can be maintained to commit to having a Godly community is to completely submit our ways to God and to be submissive to each other as God would have it.
Fatherly Wisdom Without Holiness Causes Unfaithfulness to GOD
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message 6/18/23 on Father’s Day live at RACC based on I Kings 3:1-14 and Proverbs 16:3. Fathers shouldn’t rely solely on wisdom and greatness as their means of victory in this life. Paternal victory as God would have it is won only in and through Jesus. We are […]
Put God’s Kingdom First
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC based on Matthew 6:10a and John 1:11-13. We cannot expect to see Jesus one day, if we are not doing all He has placed in our hands to do right now. We must not only want His kingdom to come one day, but we should […]
Do You Want What Heaven Wants?
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC on 6/4/23 based on Matthew 6:10b and John 7:16. Prayer is an act and process of spiritual communication that should facilitate submission and obedience to the very nature and purpose of God. We need to pray until we want what Heaven wants…nevertheless, not our […]
May 2023
Keep God’s Name Hallowed
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC on 5/28/23. It reveals two wisdom keys in Matthew 6:9, consecration and deliverance, which are main benefits that can be experienced everyday as we remain submitted unto God. It is by these nuances of worship that we are better enabled to keep His name […]
Developing a Discipleship Ministry that Reciprocates God’s Grace
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC based on John 8:31-32. God did so much for us, and when we diligently seek Him, pursuing Him for dear life, we will lovingly obey Him. When we lovingly obey Him, others will gravitate to that eternal momentum. Diligent believing disciples will mature to […]
The Birth of New Ministry Ground – A Prophetic Mother’s Day Message
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC based on Matthew 12:46-50. This message is a call to let Jesus completely have His way in our life today. He wants to birth a new mind, heart, and spirit within us. Our new façade will match the new person that is on the […]